Browse Legal Professional Education Arbitration Become an Expert in ADR (not in use)
Become an Expert in ADR (not in use) Card Image
EBC Learning

This path covers two courses in Arbitration Law and a third on Mediation. The first course takes you through the entire arbitration process, step-by-step. The second course covers essential and new cases in the area of arbitration law. The cases are organised topic wise and also provide access to the full text of the cases from SCC Online. One may take the first course on arbitration law and then keep oneself updated with the latest cases in the second course as we release them from time to time.

In the third course on mediation you will learn how the mediator manages the interaction between parties and facilitates open communication while trying to resolve the dispute.


Course List


Arbitration Step-by-Step, 2nd Edn.

A practical step-by-step guide to arbitration with latest amendments and updates.
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Important Arbitration Cases

This course discusses important cases in Arbitration Law.
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Practicing Mediation

Through enacted scenes followed by discussions, this course instructs on mediation best practices for the mediator, the parties to the mediation and their advocates.
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At the end of most online courses, you get a certificate. But certificates from different platforms mean different things. How do you convince your next employer, an institution that you have really learned the skills that you proclaim to have learnt? This is where our recommendation letter comes in. In our recommendation letter, we highlight the strengths of each candidate. What they have accomplished in the course and we vouch for you. So in addition to a certificate at EBC Learning, we offer each student of this course a personalised recommendation letter. We wish you all the very best, always.

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