Browse Online Course Development In-house Training - Comprehensive Program Design & Partnership Management

Training - Comprehensive Program Design & Partnership Management

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Training - Comprehensive Program Design & Partnership Management Card Image
1 Month
2-3 Hours
About this Course

About This Course

Include your long course description here. The long course description should contain 150-400 words.

This is paragraph 2 of the long course description. Add more paragraphs as needed. Make sure to enclose them in paragraph tags.


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  • 1. Prog. & Courses - Proposal & Setup
  • 1.1 Prog. Proposal, P&L & Review
    • Appoint Prog. Director
    • Prepare Prog. Proposal
    • P&L
    • Review Proposal for a Go-ahead
  • 1.2 Project Setup Preliminaries
    • Decide on Team
    • Team to Have Necessary Software
    • Team to Have Necessary Equipment
    • Give Access Permissions Needed
    • Load Any Scripts
    • Organise Files & Folders
  • 2. Dev Ready Detailed Outline - Create
    • 2.1 Prepare Competition Progs. Comparison Sheet
    • 2.2 Prog & Courses Detailed Outline
    • 2.3 Creating a Successful Online Course
    • 2.4 Assessments
    • 2.3 Assessment: Formative and Summative
    • 2.4 Engaging Students
    • 2.5 Braintrust Meeting for Course Contents
    • 2.6 List of Course Components - Plan (On Smartsheets)
    • 2.7 List of Marketing & About Components - Plan (On Smartsheets)


Abhinandan image


Director, EBC Learning

Abhinandan Malik is Director Publications at EBC, India's top law publisher with a demonstrated history of working in publishing, the information technology and services industry. He has 10 + years of editorial experience, guiding and editing publications at EBC. He is a graduate of NALSAR University of Law with an LLM from the University of Toronto. He is skilled in E-Learning, Legal Assistance, Legal Research, and Legal Writing. At NALSAR he was the founder editor of an inter-law school magazine and law review called The Edict. It comprised of students from the top national law schools across India as editors. At the University of Toronto, he specialised in private law. His thesis was on the Horizontal Application of Fundamental Rights. He was also invited to be part of the Academic Council for the Refresher Program in Law titled “Evolutions in Legal Pedagogy” offered by NALSAR University, under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. At EBC he is currently working in the field of Educational Technology and is closely associated with the online e-learning platform EBC Learning. He is the editor of two books: 1) Moot Courts and Mooting and 2) Evidence Law.