Browse Law School Education Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Law, 2019: Essentials

Consumer Protection Law, 2019: Essentials

Consumer Protection Law, 2019: Essentials Card Image
4 weeks
1-2 hours per week
₹ 5000
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About this Course

Consumerism as an ideology has come to stay in business literature, and the need to ensure consumer welfare has been long recognised by legislations all over the world. The new Consumer Protection Act, 2019 has been passed with the objective of addressing the new challenges that consumers face in today’s digital era. The Act aims to provide timely and effective administration and settlement of consumer disputes. 

This course has been curated to give an overview of the consumer protection movement in India, the new concepts introduced by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, in addition to the widely recognised basic consumer rights and sector-specific protection of consumers and service providers. The course will help consumers, sellers, service providers, activists, lawyers and law students.

Milton Friedman image

Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government.

Milton Friedman
  • 1. Welcome
    • 1.1 Introduction
  • 2. Introducing consumer protection law
    • 2.1 Overview of consumer movement and Consumer Protection Act
    • 2.2 Know your consumer rights!
    • 2.3 Exercises
  • 3. Understanding key concepts
    • 3.1 Goods and services
    • 3.2 Who is a consumer?
    • 3.3 Consumer for hiring or availing services
    • 3.4 Consumer dispute and consumer complaint
    • 3.5 Defining a complainant
    • 3.6 Who cannot be a complainant?
    • 3.7 Class action suit/complaint
    • 3.8 Exercises
  • 4. Consumer disputes
    • 4.1 Kinds of consumer disputes
    • 4.2 Defect in goods
    • 4.3 Deficiency in service
    • 4.4 Restrictive trade practice
    • 4.5 Unfair trade practice
    • 4.6 Product liability
    • 4.7 Exercises
  • 5. Sector specific consumer protection
    • 5.1 Consumer protection and medical negligence
    • 5.2 Consumer protection in real estate
    • 5.3 Consumer protection in electronic commerce
    • 5.4 Consumer protection in financial sector
    • 5.5 Exercises
  • 6. Conclusion
    • 6.1 Road ahead


As a practitioner, this course will update you on the latest developments in consumer law and help you serve your clients. Recent trends have shown an upsurge in demand for consumer rights activists and specialised lawyers. If you are not well versed with the recent changes in Consumer Protection laws, you may lose out on your chance to help aggrieved consumers or wrongly accused sellers/ service providers. Having got a grounding into the fundamental changes, you can then go on to take the more advanced course on Consumer Law, which deals with consumer litigation.

As a consumer, this course will help you avoid situations arising due to lack of awareness of the types of goods and services covered under the statute, issues in different business-to-consumer transactions and concepts such as “defect in goods”, “deficiency in services”, “restrictive and unfair trade practices” etc.

As a seller or service provider, wrong notions and lack of awareness can often jeopardise your defence and result in you compensating consumers where it is not your fault or in some cases more than what the law prescribes. It is essential, therefore, to keep yourself updated with the recent developments in consumer laws.

Since this course also deals with sector-specific consumer protection, professional service providers such as medical practitioners will also find this course useful in frivolous medical negligence cases.


Dr Pratima Narayan image

Dr Pratima Narayan

Dr Pratima Narayan is an Advocate, mediator and Founder Partner of Techlawlogi Consulting LLP, a law firm based out of Bengaluru. She is an Editor and Consultant at EBC Learning. She has offered courses on Consumer Law, Arbitration, Ecommerce, Contract Law and Corporate Law on the platform. She has authored a book on “Electronic Commerce: Legal Compliance”, published by EBC. The book comprehensively outlines the various legal and regulatory framework and compliance for ecommerce players. Dr Pratima has served the legal academia for over two decades as a visiting faculty at various reputed law schools and business schools. Dr Pratima holds a doctorate in law from the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru.

Hillary Clinton Image

Instead of gutting consumer protection, we should be expanding it.

Hillary Clinton


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