Browse Legal Professional Education IPR Sector Specific IP

Sector Specific IP

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

This course is included in the Patent Law — Practice and Strategy Programme.

Sector Specific IP Card Image
Start Date Icon
30 September 2023
End date Icon
29 February 2024
4 Weeks
2-4 Hours Per Week
EBC Learning
About this Course

Patent protection is a complex and often evolving area of law that presents different issues and challenges in different sectors. Let’s consider protection of software. Patenting of software has constantly been subject to controversies and debates. Even if an algorithm can be copyright protected, it may be difficult to determine what constitutes an original work of authorship. Some countries like the US provide software patents. But it is often quite difficult to obtain one, and the standards of patentability may be unclear. And this eventually leads to software patent wars. Open-source software poses another huge challenge to IP protection. Given the nature of open-source licenses, it allows free use, distribution and modification of software. This can further create a lot of confusion regarding ownership and control of the code.

Well if this is all about software patents, let’s look at protecting IP in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharma industry is one of the most regulated industries, and patents play a crucial role in the development and commercialisation of new drugs. But again this industry is also fraught with a number of challenges and is fast evolving in terms of patents. Generics and biosimilars disrupt the traditional model of drug development and IP. At the same time, the high cost of drugs is often a major issue in the pharma industry, especially for life-saving medications. Balancing the need for innovation and profitability is critical to the need for affordable and accessible medicines to society at large.

Likewise with industries like semiconductor, biotechnology and traditional knowledge. This course focuses on such sector specific areas of IP, where industry experts share the nuances of IP protection in their industrial activities. You get a kaleidoscopic view of how patents play a key role in the innovations in particular sectors and issues and challenges in their enforcement. This would also help you identify your areas of interest in pursuing patent practice.

Charles Handy image

Forget land, buildings, or machines-the real source of wealth today is intelligence, applied intelligence. We talk glibly of "intellectual property" without taking on board what it really means. It isn't just patent rights and brand names; it is the brains of the place.

Charles Handy


Pratima Narayan image

Dr Pratima Narayan

Instructor, EBC Learning & Advocate & Mediator, Co-founder, Techlawlogi Consulting LLP

Dr Pratima Narayan is an Advocate, Mediator and Co-founder of Techlawlogi Consulting LLP. She is an Editor and Consultant at EBC Learning. She has offered courses on consumer law, arbitration, e-commerce, contract law and corporate law on the platform. She has authored a book on ‘Electronic Commerce: Legal Compliance’, published by Eastern Book Company. The book comprehensively outlines the various legal and regulatory frameworks and compliance for e-commerce players. Dr Pratima has served the legal academia for over two decades as a visiting faculty at various reputed law schools and business schools. Dr Pratima holds a Doctorate in Law from the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru.

Tahl Raz Image

Sell your intellectual property based on a track record of success and innovation.

Tahl Raz